Basic Business Accounting

Lesson 2

Account= an individual record or form used to record and summarize information related to each asset, each liability, and each aspect of owner’s equity.

Common Accounts

    Asset (A) = CASH, Account Receivables, Office Supplies, Office Equipment, Truck etc.

    Liabilities (L) = Account Payables (buying merchandise on credit- short term), Note Payables (Mortgage- long term).

    Owner’s Equity (OE) = Capital, Drawing, Revenue, Expense.

      4 ways to change the OE:
      1. cash in- Putting personal money into the business- Capital
      2. cash out- Taking money out of the business for personal use- Drawing
      3. Revenue
      4. Expense- Rent Expense, Salary Expense.

T account:

blank T account

Rule in Accounting:
Debit is on the left side of the column.
Credits are on the right side.

debits and credits

Another rule:
A is on the left side of the equation, so the increase of A is recorded in the debit (left) column.
L & OE is on the right side of the equation, so the increase of L & OE is recorded in the credit (right) column.

left                   right

A = L + OE

To help remember this, think about it this way: Accounts usually increase in money. That’s why A which is on the left side of the equation, the increase is on the left side. L & OE is on the right side, so the increase is on the right.

Another thing to remember is that when you owe money, your liabilities increase.


As we said before, in A, L & OE there can be many accounts.

Expense and revenue drawing and capital

There are 3 steps when recording a transaction:

  1. Which account is affected?
  2. Did the account go up or down?
  3. Is it a debit or a credit?

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